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A Wonderful Story of KBS



About two decades ago, on one fine day, I was invited by a godly lady Mrs Sim Heng Keng Hoon to visit Mrs. Grace Hahn at FEBC (Far East Bible School). At that time Mrs. Hahn was busy packing her household belongs ready to join her husband Rev. Moses Hahn, who had left few months ago to Cambodia as a missionary in Kampong Som (Sihanoukville). Frankly speaking, at that time I did not know much about Cambodia. I only knew it was a country somewhere in Asia. The result of this visit, brought me to and fro Cambodia in the next almost twenty years.

In July 1998 Mrs. Sim and I paid our first visit to Cambodia. I still remember vividly that when we arrived at Phnom Penh airport Rev. Hahn and a native young pastor came to fetch us. After I obtained my “on ground visa”, I walked toward the Immigration Counter. I had a dramatic encounter. The man in charge stood there without attending to me for about 15 minutes. Later he said to me: “Lunch Time”. I did not understand what he meant, whether he had no time to check my passport or something else. Later, he said to me “US $5”. I was so naïve and answered him: “I have already paid the Visa fee $25”. Later I realised that he demanded a bribe. Then I intuitively replied: "My friend is waiting for me at the welcome gate.” At that time the airport was very small, from the immigration customs we could see the wide-open exit gate. He quickly chopped my passport and let me go.


We had to spend the night in a small hotel in Phnom Penh, as the last bus to Kampong Som had already left. The next morning we spent a 5 hour journey, and finally arrived Kampong Som. I was excited and also exhausted. We went to small house, where the Hahn's family, and two boarding students stayed. I was trilled when they came out to welcome us. The next morning I was assigned to teach the Bible. I chose the Gospel of John. Surrounded an oval shape dining table, there were about 10 students. I thanked God for giving me this opportunity to serve Him. The students were more anxious to learn English than to study the Bible. But regardless their motivation, more important was the preaching of the Gospel. In spite of limited Bible teaching materials, we kept their interest by using vivid illustrations. After almost 20 years, one day I met some of my first batch students, they still remembered the roles they acted in Chapter 4 of the Gospel John.

In the evening Mrs. Sim had to teach Chinese to the Chinese students, who studied in a Chinese School in the morning. On Sunday, after the morning worship service, Mrs. Hahn and some student assistants helped to conduct the Sunday School in the balcony of the house for a handful little children.

During our stay, I met a Chinese descendant who was studying in Phnom Penh University. He returned to Kampong Som every week end to see his parents. He could speak Chinese and came to see us quite often during our stay. One Thursday evening he visited us and Mrs. Sim was busy teaching Chinese. I told him Mrs. Sim and I would depart on the following Sunday. He strongly advised us not to depart on Sunday, but leave before the weekend, because the opposition party would hold a huge rally at the Olympic Stadium in Phnom Penh. If any riots broke out all the roads leading to airport would be blocked. It might take many days to clear. The political situation was not very stable then. Anything could happen any time. Mrs. Sim was still teaching the Chinese Class and I could not make any decision without her. She finished the class at 9 pm. And we discussed about an earlier departure. At that getting a telephone call through to the airport was almost impossible. Finally we decided to leave for Phnom Penh the next morning, which was a Friday. The departure date of our air tickets was Sunday, we could not guarantee available seats for us. By faith, Mrs Hahn accompanied us to take the morning bus to Phnom Penh, Halfway through the journey, the bus broke down with a patch of black smoke. We were pressing by the time to catch our flight to Singapore. I thought I might be able to hitch-hike a ride to the airport from any passing car. Then I realized it would not be safe in a third world country. I had no alternative but to pray for God's help. Before I said Ah-men, the engine reignited and the bus was started to move. I praise God for answering our prayer. Upon arrival, Mrs Hahn dashed to the ticket counter and requested to change our departure date. We praised God for only two available seats but without food serving. We were too anxious to take the flight and did not bother about the food. When we arrived in Singapore and called our relatives they were surprised about our early arrival. For us, the return journey was like a narrow escape from war.

Before our departure, the Hahns wanted us to return to help them in the mission field. “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few” (Matt. 9:37). We really had no heart to say “NO”. I promised to return to help.

When the time drew near for our second trip to Cambodia, I called Mrs. Sim to go with me. She said, “I cannot go with you, because I cannot teach in English, you had promised them, you better go alone by yourself””. I was a bit disappointed, but my call to Cambodia was so strong, God gave me the courage to go by myself, because He promised to be with me always. My assignment was mainly to teach in the Bible School (KBS) and also help to preach on Sunday Services. When opportunities came, we would go to the villages to preach the gospel to the unsaved. I still remember in the early days almost every Saturday, Rev. Hahn hired a taxi and brought the students to the village for evangelism. It was marvellous, that small taxi could accommodate 25 people, as the Cambodians were of small built.

In my second visit, KBS had moved to a Big Bungalow along a very busy big road. On the upper part of the house facing the road, hung a big plaque inscribed 555. Apparently the logo was from a cigarette advertisement. However, that was the landmark for us to find the house, and also it was convenient for visitors to find the KBS. Whenever I returned from the market, the “motor-du-man” (hired motor-bike driver) asked me where to go, then I would answer: "Prime! Prime! Prime!” (555) and he would bring me back to KBS safely. Now the student population increased to about 20 in a short span of one year. And most of the students stayed together with us like a big family. The Sunday school students also increased to about 30. The playground in front of the house was big enough for the students to move around. God had done a marvellous job. In addition, now the Bible School had a van that could bring us to villages for reaching out. Small wooden houses were built in villages as churches. At that time both land sales and construction fees were low. Funds came from overseas for the church building.

In a short span of about three years, 7 village churches were built in the vicinity of Kampong Som Since then evangelization started in the villages. Each day the Bible School finished the class at Ilam The van would bring our students to various churches to teach English to the village students before and after schools. These students became the pillars of the churches in later years. On Sunday, the van driver would drop our student preachers" and Sunday school teachers one church after another. The Sunday school students were the ones who came to study English Other children near the churches also joined the Sunday schools. As our Bible School students were still immature in God's word, the sermons were prepared by the Bible School teachers. The teacher would brief the “student preachers" on Wednesday evening on the essential points of the sermons underling teaching and the applications to our daily life. At that time we did not have enough qualified preachers to meet the needs on Sundays for some seven churches in the nearby villages. During this difficult period, Bible School students had many opportunities to preach and to teach. These ministries of preaching and teaching Sunday school strengthened the students spiritually and equipped them for future ministries,


During this period, Kampong Som Bible School also sent some graduates to further their studies in Theology and spiritual enhancement at Far East Bible College (FEBC) in Singapore, After a few years, they returned after completing their studies. Some of them would share the teaching load at KBS. Others were sent to pastor new churches at Kampong Som or planted churches in other provinces. Our own graduates from KBS were sent to plant churches in provinces far and near to reach out the unsaved souls. Those students who sent by their home churches, upon their graduation, were returned to help their own churches. God has done a marvellous work through the Bible School, so that the gospel could be spread far and near in Cambodia. Now in many provinces, you might find churches pastored by KBS graduates.

In about three years, the Bible School student population increased very fast. The present building was too small to accommodate all the residential students. Looking for bigger residence was urgent. Many houses for rent were visited by us. Nevertheless, none was suitable to meet our budget nor the student population. Finally, a big mansion, the Mayor's house with a big sign "For Rent" caught our attention. However we had no courage to see the housing agent due to our financial situation. After a few months, the Mayor's house was still not rented out. We could not resist, but by the grace of God, we picked up our courage to contact one sister in Christ, who was familiar with the housing agents and find out more about the rental. Finally she brought us to see the Mayor's wife directly. After bargaining and negotiations for building the third storey for the students' dormitory. She finally agreed to rent the house to us with very reasonable rental. It was by God's grace that our teachers and students could stay in the Mayor's house. After some years, the price of housing increased tremendously. For long term planning, it was better to have our own piece of land to build the Bible School and student dormitory. God had opened Mrs. Grace Han's eye to see a big plot of highland in “O Prime" for sale. The price was not high, but during that time it was a large sum. Where to get the money to buy this plot of land? Besides the land we also need building fund for the school, the dormitory and also the infrastructures such as the water and electricity supplies etc. "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26). Because “Jehovah-Jireh, (The Lord will provide)” (Gen. 22:14).

Now in  "O Prime” we can see that KBS had built upon the plot of highland. May all the glory be given unto our Mighty God!

Now some of our graduates have further their studies, for higher degrees in theology in order to meet the demand. Some of our graduates also joined foreign Christian Organizations for charity works to reach out the poor and needy. Nevertheless, there were also some “black sheep" graduates, having loved this present world like Demas, forsook the Lord (cf. 2 Tim. 4:10). After their graduation, they could master their English language and could easily find a higher salary job. They were too much attracted by the world and worked in the secular world and forgot their calling to serve the Lord. We do pray that one day they will return to the fold of their shepherd.


When we looked back to the past twenty years, we could not help but praise the Lord for His wonderful work. We have also to give thanks to God for Rev. & Mrs. Moses Hahn, who are faithfully carrying out what the Lord has entrusted to them. “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.” (Ps. 127:1). May all the glories be rendered unto our Lord the Mighty God. יי

Now come back to myself. I am very grateful to the Lord to give me this opportunity to serve as a co-worker. In the first few years for my mission work in Cambodia, I used to make two to three trips every year and spent at least one month and sometime two months in KBS. My work was mainly teaching the Bible. As our Bible School graduates increased plus those graduated from FEBC they could share the burden of the teaching work load at KBS as well as the ministry of pastoring churches. In addition, Pastors and Bible Schools teachers from foreign countries also help the teaching load at KBS. So I only visit Cambodia once a year with a stay of one month. The one month stay was because Singaporeans are granted a 30-day stay without visa. This was the case for more than 10 years.

The Psalmist said: “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years...” (Ps. 90:14). Now I have already exceeded fourscore years. I do not know how long I can live. It God grants me more days to live He will grant me the strength to serve Him unto my last day. “And as your days, so shall your strength be.”(Deut. 33:25). "For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.” (2 Tim. 1:12)

Lydia Chan Sing Chai, Singapore