ΙΧΘΥΣ Thumbnail List Prison Christmas in 2023 Prison Christmas in 2023 Let me report KohKong Prison Christmas on 22nd December. CEAI staffs and Mrs. HAHN came from PhnomPenh, I brought 4 bible students from KBS, Sihanoukville. They put the banner, "CEAI Seminar, Giving Certificate, Baptism & Holy Communion " on front wall of the classroom. Around 120 inmates came to the classroom. We gave Baptism to 9 inmates, had holy communion with over 2.. more Pailin HanMaEum B-P Church Minister : Pastor. Saronya and Vansithan Kanha Start from 2000, Built in 2004 Former Pastor : Pastor Phannith more KCS football team KCS football team is trained by Rev. Tongan every Saturday Sports training activities every weekend for athletes under the age of 16 years old of Kompong Som Christian School to prepare for city sports competition which will be held at the end of March 2020 organized by the Office of Education, Youth and Sports of Sihanouk City Administration. Please brothers and sisters pray for our players 1. .. more Jabchae cooking class in Phnom Penh Prison. Making Jabchae! On 21, Sister Kim EunJu and Kim EunSun went to Teach how to cook Jabchae in Phnom Penh Prison. They were excited in learning Korean food. We shared passion fruit juice with 15 female inmates. Pastor Lim JiHun shared his testimony and explain ed the meaning of gospel. Hope more volunteers to come and teach in our cooking class. Thank God for the opportunity to share gospel! more Christmas, graduation & baptism service in Kompot Prison(9.Jan.2023) On 9/Jan/2023, we celebrated Christmas, graduation and baptism service in Kompot Prison. JaeChuen Hanuelnurim Church mission team joined with us. The last group before Corona time was the first group to return when Corona existed no long. Rev. Lee Tae Kyu share the word of God from Gal. 3:27. The mission team presented song of ' Power of Goodnessno(495)' in Khmer. Rev. Moses Hahn officiated the .. more [Tuek Pok Ki] Cooking class (13.Dec.2022) Cooking Class : Tuek Pok Ki Today, the owner of a korean restaurant, called 'Hama'(하마식당) came to PJ with her cook, sister Sray Mom to teach how to make Tuek Pok Ki(떡뽁기)which was well known as one of korean street foods. Sister Sray Mom has learnt her cooking skill under the lady for 19 years. So, she taught the female inmates how to prepare all ingredients, how to cut and told the process of mak.. more Sis. PeiYee and Titus Khoo's cooking class (2. Dec. 2022) Sister PeiYee and Titus Khoo taught how to make greenbean sweet desert in PJ Prison. There is similar desert in Cambodia. She shared her testimony. I taught a song'God is so good.' While we shared gospel, a lady was crying. All the 15 ladies slowly open their hearts. Two brothers support a good quality laptop for producing christian music. We enjoyed sweet fellowship in the lord. When we got out.. more Koh Kong Prison Christmas celebration (1. Dec. 2022) This was the wonderful day that we celebrated Christmas, had baptised 12 brothers and gave the certificate of completion of short courses of Bible Study, English and Computer Class. We provided curry Nom Bon Chuk to 700 inmates and wardens(CEAI supported 60% and Koh Kong Prison supported 40% for cooking curry). Rev. and Dr. Kim Young Jin couple and Rev. Yong Vaiyee officated baptism of 12 new ch.. more Sis. Sray Pov's cooking class (19.Nov.2022) Sis. Sray Pov's cooking class on 19/Dec, 2022. Today she taught how to make spaghetti. She is doing very good job in teaching female inmates and sharing good news. May God use this class to save souls! Hope these ladies learn well and can get jobs when they are released! Is there any volunteer to help the cooking class as a teacher or doner to provide ingredients or kitchen utensil? We welcome y.. more KCS Semester Completion Day (31.Oct) more Baptism and Communion service in CC3 (18.Oct.2022) 10월 18일. CC3 세례.성찬식. 아시아나 항공으로 이상범목사님이 도착하셔서 새벽 1시경에 호텔로 오셨다. 그런데 여권이 없어졌다고 하셔서 가방을 다 뒤졌지만 없었다. 그간 여러 코스의 성지순례를 40년간 인도하시고 100팀이상 2000명이상을 해외 성지순례및 선교여행을 인도 하시면서도 한번도 팀들의 여권을 분실한 적이 없으셨는데 혼자 캄.에 오셔서 잃어버리시니 너무 어이가 없으셔했다. 특히 동남아 에서는 이러한 분실된 한국여권이 불법으로 큰 돈에 거래된다. 잃어버린 것을 찿는 것은 불가능해 보였다. 나도 이 일을 어떻게 대처해야할지.. 세례식후에 한국 대사관 부터 가야겠다고 생각했다. 이 목사님은 또 시무하시는 흰돌교회의 새벽기도를 영상으로 새벽 3시에 하셔야해서 한숨도 못 주무셨다. 새벽 5시에 .. more KIMCHI class in Phnom Penh Prison(19.Oct.2022) Today we opened a new class in Phnom Penh Prison. Sis. Sray Pov is going to teach female inmates how to cook western food. As the opening class, P.S. Lee Sook Ae showed how to make kimchi. We provided kimbab with a small container of kimchi as we knew that Khmer loved korean foods. Kimch with kimbab is the fantastic combination for the taste. Rev. Lee Jinho, Bro. Ji Sunil and Sis. Lim Sumi came .. more Prev 1 2 3 4 ··· 6 Next