Hello, My name is Phearum ean. I have been pastoring for 7 years in a church called New Life In Christ Church.
I was one of the students graduated from the KBS Bible School which founded by Rev. Moses Hanh.
It’s my honour and joy sharing my testimony.
I was born in a Buddhist family in a Buddhist community. I had not heard about Jesus till I was around 12 (I did not know much about Jesus nor really believed in him till I joined the Bible school). I was taught that everything came to existent naturally, which we mostly meant everything came to existent by itself. With the evolution of millions of years, the book taught that everything changes from one thing to another. The book taught me that human being came from a kind of monkey called ape. I believed in the reincarnation, but I was not sure and I was afraid of what kind of things I would become. Some people said that we would become animals like dogs, cats, chicken and some said we would become ghosts or evil spirits while some said angels….
Many times I closed my eyes and thought in my mind, what would happen to me when I die? Will I perish from this world? Will I come again to this world? Am I going to be animals? I did something wrong, will I become a ghost or an evil spirit as I was taught? I lived a live with fear and uncertainty. I was selfish, rude, and shy and I didn’t like to be with many people. I didn’t like talking to many people. I always run away from the crowd. Though I came to Church with my eldest brother, Saronnya, my mom and my other family members when I was around 13, I didn’t know who Jesus Christ really was. I just joined Sunday schools sometimes and memorized quite a lot of bible verses, but I didn’t know and believed in Jesus. I did many sins, I said many bad words to my parents and others,
and I dishonoured them. I stole some money from my parents. Of course, I loved my friends. I loved helping them. Many of my friends were disabled, poor but I was nice with them.
I thank God for choosing me, though I didn’t realize that it was Him who was at work at first. When I was in grade 12, we had a chance to take a scholarship exam to be engineers, doctors… with the help of Mekong Children Organization. Not many people could pass that exam because it was hard. I passed that exam and was interviewed several times. I passed all the interviews but missed the last one. On that day of the interview, there was a very heavy rain I had never met during those years and the road was very bad that no vehicles could move for several hours. I was so sorry and so many of my friends. Some days later, my eldest brother, Saronnya, told me about the KBS (he was there around two years ahead of me). I decided to go to KBS and my big goal was studying English and of course I wanted to know Jesus. I learned many things from the Bible school. I knew Jesus clearer.
Until then, I realized that Jesus chose me. That was His plan. I started to know the answer I was looking for. I knew that everything came from God, visible or invisible. I knew my future. I knew what was the meaning of lives.
But I was not really born again in those years. I didn’t know how God would use me. I was still shy and I could not talk to many people.
One day, there was a seminar. I forgot who the lecturer was. He asked all the students to proclaim whatever they want to be and do. All the students stood up and shouted out their visions out one by one. And it was my turn. With a little faith in me and with shyness, I proclaimed softly that “I want to be a famous preacher who can talk to thousands of people about Jesus; I want to travel to many countries in the world”. Since then, I knew that the Lord was with me. He answered many of my prayers. He was with me. He did many miracles in my life that I now know for sure that He’s real. He’s with me. No sword, nor death nor angels can separate me from God.
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
I am in ministry at 'New Life In Christ Church'. The Lord has been providing me for the ministry. I have travelled to many countries, Korea, Singapore, Myanmar, Philippine, Vietnam in the world and more to go. I have the opportunity and ability to speak to thousands of people both Cambodian and foreigners sharing Jesus to them.
I can’t stop thanking Him for His grace and mercy upon me and the people.
Yes, of course there were many obstacles and challenging on the way up to here,
but Jesus is faithful and He never leaves me. He’s for me.
When I first started to serve God as a youth leader and a Sunday school teacher for 4 years, I hadn’t had any income. I got support from my parents. Many people just laughed at me and made fun of me because I believe in Jesus especially I didn’t earn anything. They even said something bad to my parents. But I did not stop serving God. I believed in Him. I Trusted in Him.
Galatians 6:7 says, a man reaps what he sows. And in verse 9 says “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”.
The Lord has given me more than I deserve. He’s good. He’s a good Father. I can’t thank Him enough for what he has done for me. Thank you JESUS!
Also I am so thankful to Rev. Moses for your heart of Love, sacrifice for Cambodia especially for us. With your real loving sacrifice, Cambodian receives blessing, many pastors and leaders rises up and million lives got saved.
02, August, 2021.
A KBS student
Pastor Phearum Ean.

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